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Sweet Stuff About Sugar House Review

Founded in 2009, Sugar House Review is an independent—not associated with a university or college—poetry magazine based out of Utah. We publish original poetry and reviews of poetry books twice per year. The majority of the magazine’s content is unsolicited. It is offered in a perfect-bound print edition, as well as a digital PDF edition.

Why "Sugar House Review"?

The magazine’s founders wanted a name that would have local significance and would also have meaning and appeal to a larger audience. Sugar House is one of Salt Lake City's oldest neighborhoods, established in 1853. Its name was inspired by the Deseret Manufacturing Company, which refined sugar beets farmed in the region. Though recent development has changed its character, it is still home to original architecture and city planning representative of Salt Lake City's early development.

“It looks good. It reads good.”


—William Kloefkorn,
Former Nebraska Poet Laureate

“Best mag[azine] you haven’t heard   of, but should: Sugar House Review.”

—Patricia Smith,
National Book Award Finalist

Primary Objectives

Sugar House Review is a publication of both range and quality, one that will appeal to experienced readers and writers, as well those readers who are just coming to poetry.


Sugar House Review is a magazine of breadth—eclectic swatches of style, tone, subject, and form. It is representative of the varied voices that comprise contemporary poetry.  


Sugar House Review has a prevalent and available presence in the Salt Lake City and Cedar City areas. This includes organizing or helping to organize poetry events, availability in local book stores, and a presence at literary functions.


Sugar House Review seeks to connect people to poetry in our  community, region, and the poetry contingent at large.


“The editors’ selections reflect, happily, an eclectic and generous editorial stance, which allows for poems that demonstrate a range of poetry’s diverse possibilities, from small edgy narratives to more lyrically inclined efforts . . . there is certainly more than enough in this  issue of Sugar House Review to make me wonder what sweet surprises await me in future issues.”


Sugar House Review Has Appeared In/On:

2011 Pushcart Prize XXXV Best of the Small Presses

    Paul Muldoon's “Capriccio in E Minor for Blowfly and Strings”


2013 Pushcart Prize XXXVII Best of the Small Presses

    Patricia Smith's "Laugh Your Troubles Away!"


2014 Pushcart Prize XXXVIII Best of the Small Presses

    Carl Phillips’s "Your Body Down in Gold"


2015 Pushcart Prize XXXIX Best of the Small Presses

    Hillary Gravendyk’s “Your Ghost”

Best New Poets 2015
   Mary Angelino’s “Dinner at Nonna’s”


Verse Daily

    May 25, 2010, Weston Cutter's “I Want You”

    April 10, 2011, Steven Cramer’s “from Clangings"

    November 5, 2011, Jeff Whitney's “Everyone in Goya's Black Paintings”

    December 24, 2011, Oliver Bendorf's “Dog Days”

    December 25, 2011, Karen Skolfield's “Frost in Low Areas”

    August 27, 2012, Travis Mossotti's "Dallas World Aquarium, Private Tour"

    August 27, 2012, Stefanie Wortman's "The Gallow Ball (1950)"

    August 30, 2012, Steven Cramer's "from Clangings"

    November 1, 2015, Carl Phillips “Meditation On Being a Mystery to Oneself”

    May 29, 2016, Meg Johnson’s “Sasha Grey and Megan Fox”

    August 9, 2016, Julie Danho’s “The Betta Fish, Christmas”

    August 10, 2016, Cady Vishniac’s “You Get to Missing”

    August 11, 2016, Lisa Fay Coutley’s “To The Astronaut: On Impact”

    March 4, 2017, Chelsea Dingman’s “Ghost Walk After the Resurrection”

    February 20, 2019, William Trowbridge’s “Hier Gibt es Blaugeerren”

    November 12, 2019, Rebecca Aronson’s “Fire Country”

    November 13, 2019, John A. Nieves’s “Doppler”

    November 14, 2019:  David Beebe’s "Apocalypse #2"

    July 20, 2020, Mary Biddinger’s "Terms of Agreement"

    July 21, 2020, Shira Dentz’s "Casual wind" 

    July 22, 2020, Sean Thomas Dougherty’s "The Men and the Quiet"

    July 23, 2020, Susanna Lang’s “Lost”

    July 24, 2020, Rhett Isesman Trull’s “Melancholy Street”

    May 10, 2021, John A. Nieves’s “On Pessimism”
    May 12, 2021, Mary Crow’s “The Missing Pages”
    May 14, 2021, Jeannine Hall Gailey, “I Can’t Stop”
    May 17, 2021, Siew David Hii’s “House Song with Wonder Woman”
    August 6, 2021, Lilian Ha’s “Between Jobs”
    September 6, 2021, Martha Silano’s “Now We Come to Ticks and Tocks”
    September 8, 2021, Jeannine Hall Gailey’s “Meltdown”
    September 10, 2021, Kate Northrop’s “Jittery Nocturne”
    October 31, 2021, Jennifer Stewart Miller’s “My Dead”
    March 16, 2022, Michelle Bitting’s “I Get Why Dorothy Parker Gave All Her Money to the NAACP”

    March 17, 2022, John Sibley Williams’s "Goodbye Horses"
    March 18, 2022,  Rebecca Morton’s "Divorce"
    March 21, 2022, Deborah Keenan’s "After the Shipwreck"

    August 15, 2022, Brian Satrom’s “Mulberry Tree”
    August 16, 2022, Kelly R. Samuels’s “Watching CNN without Sound in the Hotel Lobby Bar”
    August 17, 2022, Justin Hamm’s “Independence Day”
    August 19, 2022, Jeffrey Bean’s “To My Daughter”
    February 15, 2023, Suphil Lee Park’s  "From Here on Out"
    February 17, 2023, Jose Hernandez Diaz’s “The Fortune-Teller of My Youth”
    February 19, 2023, John A. Nieves’s “Note From Apparent Magnitude to Luminosity”
    February 21, 2023, Kerry James Evans’s “Holy”

    March 13, 2023, Kate Northrop’s “Jittery Nocturne”
    August 25, 2023, John A. Nieves’s “Quieting”
   August 23, 2023, Emma Bolden’s “Theism”
   August 22, 2023, Ruth Awad’s “When Grief Made Us”

Poetry Daily

    July 17, 2011, Maria Melendez's "Sapo Dorado—A Recent Extinction"

    March 23, 2019, Michael Mark's "The Miracle of Rain"

    October 23, 2020, Anna Newman's "After the Funeral, at Your Favorite Gallery"

    June 6, 2021, Esther Lee’s “Playing the Telephone Game”

    January 4, 2022, Kate Northrop's "Jittery Nocturne"

    October 13, 2022, James Davis May’s “Depression in Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes”


Poetry Foundation
  2023, Elizabeth Theriot’s "Self Portrait as Self Care Mantra"

Academy of American Poets Poetry Map


Poets & Writers Literary Magazine Database


Best of State, Utah, 2011, Arts & Entertainment category

“I was so impressed by your journal that I chose it over the offer today to get a POETRY sub. at 50% off. The works you chose knocked my socks off!!!”

  —Devon Balwit, Former Contributor

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