Sneak Some Sounds from Sugar.
Juan J. Morales reads "Looking for Duende" from issue 27.
from "Still Life"
by Christy Prahl
There is a lemon. / There is a dachshund. / There is a broken board. // Consider the lemon, / yellow as the sun, / primal as the origin story of food.
from "Visa Interview to Become a Full Human," [ Q: Are you concerned about diabetes? ]
by Cyan James
It kills kills kills even though it purrs so loud it fills your mouth it’s still a tiger / in your kitchen. Possible to imagine people as the personified causes of their / deaths, such as corpses like a row of frosted cakes in frilly white wrappers
from "Building L: Los Danzantes"
by Betsy Mitchell Martinez
I’m tired of speaking the language / of my dreams, with its childhood rhymes / and tide pools, its bulbs exploding / on schedule into clusters of grape / hyacinths.
from "Trap Teop Trap Flow"
by J. P. Dancing Bear
When I was a child, a bear came to me, // and in my sleep it nudged me awake, / and breathed into my mouth. Now I confess / my words, my words, my tongue are hers.
Sugar House Review is an independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit poetry publisher based out of Utah. Our mission is to promote an eclectic range of poets through publishing and live events to build nationally connected literary communities and foster the literary arts in Utah. We are excited to be some of the first people to see your work and to help the best of that work become available to a larger audience.
Sugar was founded in 2009 by John Kippen, Nano Taggart, Jerry VanIeperen, and Natalie Young. At the time, it was the only independent, print poetry journal in Utah. Our name is based on both our location and desire to publish sticky, heart-racing, sweet, sweet addictive poetry. Sugar House is a neighborhood within Salt Lake City, named after the sugar beet factory of the Deseret Manufacturing Company (1851–1855).
PO Box 13, Cedar City, UT 84721
Book Reviews: reviews@sugarhousereview.com